телефон:+1(804)579-0949 Е-пошта: urdollsshop@gmail.com

Можете да ја изберете бојата на очите на секс куклата и обликот и функцијата на устата

These beautiful and ефтини секс кукли are specially designed to satisfy people's sexual desires and fantasies. Whether you are fantasizing about movie stars, porn stars or rock stars, you can have the look you like. This is different from a real relationship, they don't expect you to be what kind of person, all they can provide is joy and exciting adventures. People who buy celebrity sex dolls are now enjoying life.

If you need someone to practice your sexual skills and give you endless sexual pleasure, then buying a sex doll is a better investment than finding a prostitute. Sex dolls are made of materials called silicone and TPE, which are the most popular materials for making love dolls. It is flexible, durable, safe and tasteless. Therefore, if you take good care of her, they can be used for at least 10 years or more.

Шармот на овие WM кукли is that they provide different customizable options. An excellent way to adapt to consumer tastes. And everyone has their own views on beautiful and exciting things. These dolls are made of high-quality silicone or TPE. Two options give it a touch similar to the skin and allow men to express them in a very real way. Thanks also to their metallic structure as a skeleton. The first choice when buying a fucking doll is to decide which model is the most interesting. The choices range from Asian and Caucasian bodies to more versatile designs with their own physical characteristics.

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Undoubtedly, the most interesting and exciting part for buyers is the configuration of realistic Loveубов кукла. Once you have chosen your body shape, the measures are usually always the same, which will determine the color and type of hair that is most suitable for adult silicone sex dolls. In addition, you can choose the eye color of the sex doll and the shape and function of the mouth. Skin tone is another option in the ordering process. The personalization of physical characteristics will end with the choice or no choice of pubic hair. With the preferences of the dressing room, the wrist configuration is complete. Each doll has a designated piece of clothing, usually some underwear. During the purchase process, you can request to change clothes, including more fancy styles, such as uniforms or some other special clothing.

Eagle-like sex pose with full-size sex doll. If you are an adventurer who likes to explore new things in bed, you must try this pose. In the eagle pose, you place the realistic sex doll on her back, then raise her legs and spread them out in the air. Then you hang it on the sex doll with your hips apart but your feet together. Bring the doll's legs close to your elbows. Also, make sure your faces face each other.

This position allows you to look directly into her eyes, which we think is a kind of romance. In addition, you can enjoy deep penetration in the Eagle position. This position does not require any type of support or furniture. Raise your legs for sex with a full-size sex doll. If you want to hit your sex doll really hard, a sex position with your legs up may help you. Put the Машка секс кукла on the floor or bed. Lift your legs straight into the air. Then you sit on your knees close to her, with her ass facing your genitals. After everything is settled, slowly enter from behind and gain momentum.

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Колекција за онлајн шопинг за продажба на брендови за сексуални кукли во црниот петок


2022-11-20 22:30:29

Ова е збирка од сите тековни активности за брендирање на оваа страница. Секој месец се стремиме да им обезбедиме на потрошувачите различни понуди, а производителите на секс кукли кои учествуваат може да се разликуваат од време на време. Накратко, овде ќе најдете која било марка на активности за кукли што ја сакате, ние ќе продолжиме да ја ажурираме ...

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Одржавме игра со костими за Ноќта на вештерките со големи лигњи некаде во Соединетите држави, и вие сте добредојдени да учествувате, каде што прикажавме многу секс кукли облечени во свети фестивалски костими. Веднаш штом ќе пристигнете на местото на забавата, прво ќе ја видите вештерката за Ноќта на вештерките. Вештерката се вика Сабрина, Сабри ...

Како да се грижите за секс кукли?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

Колку години може да се користи куклата урдоли, зависи од состојбата на употребата и грижата. Секс кукли кои често се користат и се преселуваат се подложни на абење и солза. Ние разбираме дека вашата секс кукла е инвестиција, затоа составивме неколку совети за одржување на квалитетот и животот на вашиот секс дол ...

Популарни производи со реални секс кукли