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Која е разликата помеѓу силиконските кукли и куклите TPE?

When it comes to sex dolls, two commonly used materials are silicone and TPE (thermoplastic elastomer). Knowing the differences between these materials is crucial for potential buyers. This article aims to explore and compare the characteristics of silicone and TPE sex dolls.

Material composition and texture:

Silicone: Silicone Funwest Dolls are made from a synthetic material called silicone elastomer. This material is durable, heat resistant and hypoallergenic. The texture of the silicone doll is hard and soft, similar to the feel of human skin. They provide a smoother, less porous surface, which makes them easier to clean and maintain.

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TPE: TPE sex dolls are made from a thermoplastic elastomer compound, which is a softer, more flexible material. Compared with Зелекс кукли silicone, TPE dolls have a slightly softer texture, providing a more realistic tactile experience. However, TPE is more porous than silicone, so it stains more easily and requires more diligent cleaning.

Realism and flexibility:

Silicone: Silicone sex dolls are known for being highly realistic. The material allows for detailed sculpting, resulting in dolls with highly accurate facial features and body contours. Silicone SE кукли provide a sturdier and more realistic feel, mimicking the density and weight of human skin and muscle. However, the flexibility of silicone dolls may be slightly limited compared to TPE dolls.

TPE: TPE sex dolls excel in flexibility and postural abilities. This material is more stretchy, allowing for a wider range of motion and posture options. TPE dolls provide a softer, suppler feel that closely resembles the texture of human skin. This increased flexibility helps provide a more interactive and customizable experience.

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Price and maintenance:

Silicone: Silicone sex dolls tend to be more expensive than TPE dolls due to higher production costs and the durability of the material. However, silicone dolls are generally easier to clean and maintain, as their non-porous surface stains less easily and retains less odor over time.

TPE: Compared to silicone dolls, TPE sex dolls are usually more affordable. Although they require more careful cleaning and maintenance due to the porous nature of the material, TPE dolls can still provide a satisfying and realistic experience at a lower price.

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in conclusion:The choice between silicone and TPE Секс кукли роботи is ultimately a matter of personal preference and priorities. Silicone dolls are durable, smoother and more realistic, but cost more. TPE dolls, on the other hand, offer enhanced flexibility, a softer feel, and an affordable price, but require more diligent maintenance. Potential buyers should carefully consider their desired level of realism, texture preferences, and budget before making a decision.

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